Virtual Server

Updated on November 4, 2021

The term virtual server refers to a server that is usually located in an offsite data center. Its resources are shared by multiple users who each have control over it.

How to create a server (plan) #

To create a VPS based on the virtual plan:

  1. Go to Virtual server.
  2. Create a virtual server.
  3. Select create a virtual server (plan).

Read more in plans. 

Once you are inside the plan version:

  1. Select the plan you created before.
  2. Select float group.
  3. Select node.

You must create the float group and the node before selecting this option. Read  more in Float Group and Node.

After you complete the server, you will find a variety of options.

Reset VPS

This option will reset the VPS.

Stop VPS

It will stop the VPS.

Suspend VPS

This option will suspend the VPS.


Allows controlling the VPS remotely.

How to create a server (without a plan) #

To create a server, go to: 

  1. Virtual servers.
  2. Create a virtual server.

Once inside the section, complete the general information.

You can configure the CD/DVD. There are diverse options to configure the CD/DVD.

  1. Use an image ISO, selecting the option “Use CD/DVD image file (iso)” and selecting storage and iso on it.
  2. Using a physical unit.
  3. Don’t use media.

OS: Setting the proper operating system allows GridCP to optimize some low-level parameters; you can select one of the operative systems of the list for the VPS to adapt to the system.  

Hard disk: This section configures the main hard disk. Bus control can emulate different storage control. 

  • IDE You can connect up to 4 devices on this controller.
  • SATA You can connect up to 6 devices on this controller.
  • VirtIO So-called “full virtualization” is a nice feature because it allows you to run any operating system virtualized.
  • SCSI You can connect up to 14 devices

CPU: A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry that executes instructions comprising a computer program. In this section, you can configure the CPU to choose the number of cores and type, among other options.

Memory: For each VPS, you have the option to set a fixed size memory. This section allows you to configure the memory of the VPS according to your requirements.

Network: You can configure the network of the VPS. Among other options, one of the most important is the bridge that allows you to choose the interface you will use and the network device that lets you choose the type.

How to delete an VPS #

To delete a VPS go to:

  1. View virtual server.
  2. Select the VPS.
  3. Press delete.

If you select the By-pass option, the VPS will be deleted only from GridCP; however, if you don’t check this option, it will erase from the node and GridCP.

Control panel #

To be able to enter the control panel, click on the name of the VPS.

Once inside the control panel, you will have a general view of all the options.

Control #

In this section, you have different options such as,

  • Boot: sends the On signal to the VPS.
  • Reboot: allows rebooting the VPS.
  • Power off: send the power-off signal to the VPS
  • Suspend: when a VPS has been suspended, the user can’t perform any actions on the VPS. This includes the monthly traffic as well.
  • Monthly traffic: with this option, you can consult the monthly traffic consumed each month.
  • VNC: opens a VNC session where you can see and manage the VPS. 
  • Manage IPs: it leads you to the page IP assigned to the VPS.
  • Backups: it leads you to the page where you can manage backups.
  • Reinstall: this option allows you to install an operative system on the VPS.
  • Changes: different options to manage the VPS, including changing the user.
  • Resume: enables the VPS after it was suspended.

Changes #

You can perform different changes, which we explain in detail below.

Change hostname

It changes the hostname on the VPS.

Change keyboard

It changes the distribution of the keyboard.

Change booth order

It changes the starting order between the hard disk, CDROM, and Network.

Change ISO

It changes the ISO image. 

Edit network

It changes the setting of the network.

Resize disk

Allows increasing the amount of the hard disk. Select a hard disk and the new size of the disk. Note to operate; it must be bigger than the actual. 

Resize memory

Allows to increase and set the memory of a VPS.

Change cores

Changes the number of cores on the VPS.

Add hard disk

Allows adding a new hard disk into the VPS.

Limit Traffic

Allows limiting the monthly traffic of the VPS.

Migrate VPS

Allows migrating a VPS from a source node to a destination node. There are two types of migration, 

  • local: copies the VPS to the destination node.
  • Backup: generate a backup and restore it in the destination node.

Authorized IP

Allows adding IP that is outside the GridCP system to enable the traffic. Allows adding individual IP or multiples IPs that belong to a subnet.

Enable maintenance

Enables the maintenance of the VPS; while a VPS is in maintenance, the activities of a user are blocked.

Change plan

It changes the resources of a VPS from a plan. For example, if the plan has one less hard disk, the current hard disk will keep the current size.

Additional users

Allows managing additional users for them to manages the VPS.

Clone VPS

Allows cloning a VPS to another VPS.

Change user

Change the user owner of the VPS.

Information #

You will find some information about your VPS. Also, you can modify core, memory, disk space, bandwidth.

Other information that you will encounter is,

  • GridCP ID is a unique identification number inside GridCP.
  • PVE ID is a unique identification number inside Proxmox.
  • A hostname is how we named the VPS.
  • Created will inform us when we created the VPS.
  • Main IP reflex the main IP.
  • MAC
  • The host node is the node of the VPS.
  • ***The client, you view the VPS as a user.*** needs improvement
  • Bandwidth shows the Default traffic limit for the VPS.
  • Extra traffic It is an extra traffic limit that by default is 0 and if you have enrolled for extra traffic, the amount in GB will be indicated. 

Resource usage shows quick information about the CPU usage, memory, hard disk, and traffic consumed.

Statistics show the resource usage in real-time.


The task shows the actions executed in Proxmox.

Log it show the logs of the actions on GridCP.

Manage IP #

Shows a list of IPs assigned to a VPS. When an IP is assigned to a VPS, the aforementioned IP is routed to the VPS, allowing traffic.

Once inside, you will find different options for the IP of a VPS.

  • Unassign genuine IP
  • Suspended IP: suspend the IP, disabling the traffic.
  • Add IP to the blacklist: identify the IP as blacklisted.

To add IP press Add IP and automatically the additional IP will be added.

How to delete an additional IP #

To delete an additional IP go to:

  1. Manage IP.
  2. Press removed additional IP.
  3.  A popup window will appear press OK.

Also, you will find the following tags,

  • Genuine: default IP created to a VPS; once you delete the VPS, the IP doesn’t belong to the user.
  • Main: is the principal IP of the VPS.
  • Additional: additional IP for the VPS.